Note 232

That is to say, here something positive must still be added (and is in fact -- that is in reality -- added), in the same way something positive is added in the case of defining  ' man ',  namely  ' rational '.  Therefore we should not want to express by the term  ' sensitive organism '  a privation, but only indicate the set of all (from past, present and future) organisms which are sensitive :  also man is a member of this set.
Perhaps the differentia, by which  apes  distinguish themselves from all other sensitive organisms, is  ' friendliness ',  by which (if this  ' difference '  is correct) they surely distinguish themselves from man (apes do not wage war against each other, that is, with their congeners)  ( This differentia is here of course not seriously meant, but only as an expression of disgust as regards human self-satisfaction)  ( Perhaps  ' possessing self-satisfaction '  is a proper differentia to figure in the difinition of  ' man ',  instead of the differentia  ' rational ' ).

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