Note 925

For Life, the concept of complementarity may certainly be exploited, because the purely biological consideration (including biological testing), letting the living condition fully intact, doesn't care of the inorganically physical at all, whereas the physically chemical consideration (including experiment) can only take up specific sensible questions when completely ignoring the special state of the living during these investigations and experiments.
Although we can experiment with Life  in various ways (inheritance, hybridizing, tissue culturing, developmental mechanics), we cannot at the root of Life, i.e. with its essentials, do immediate experiments yielding conclusions.  All  experiments necessarily will go their way such that either the effect is damped (The experiment thus in this case represents a parallel to normal physical impact) and one no  more  comes to know as in every kind of physical impact (not, however, devaluating the experiment), or the effect cannot be isolated, cannot be channeled, leading to destruction which again evidently cannot result in the conclusion looked for, although it may be useful for obtaining certain knowledge. [So, when attempting to experimentally interact with living substance, in order to get to know something about it as living (substance), the intervention is either dodged by the living substance, or, locally destroys the living substance when the latter cannot dodge it.]. There is no genuine interaction between experiment and Life. Either sliding off [into the inorganic] or destructive penetration. Experiments concerning genetic mutation are in this sense no experiments  with  Life. They already lie at a totally different level, for they are, according to classically chemical rules, be they varied by environment and situation, carried out on a substrate belonging, it is true, to overall life, but not being essentially living substance  in itself,  and therefore more or less completely subjected to classically chemical laws anyway [Indeed, the DNA, and all its machinery, belongs to the Unimol support medium, not to the living molecule itself.]. So if already Heisenberg's uncertainty relation only allows for facultative results [results as to probabilities only] in microphysical experiments, -- albeit that such results always are still specific and in the end are results  anyway, -- one should not expect any desired and wanted results at all in experiments with the living substance. We mean this in the sense that in such experiments all the specific is absent [is not obtained in any way]. For, as to the only alternative :  destruction or rebound, kind and size of the experiment do not play any role. They all may -- in abstracting -- be replaced by the not-experiment, and that means precisely the absolute futility of measures [interventions] purporting to provide  fundamental conclusions.  And it is that we speak about the futility of exclusively these measures, and not about the other experiments, of which uncountably many have been carried out, partly with substantial success, and to which many others will follow.

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