Note 1.

In fact it is more appropriate to denote the ontological status of Socrates-at-a-certain-point-in-time-in-his-dynamical-system-domain, and of the hereafter mentioned Socrates-at-a-certain-point-in-time, as (being) per accidens (instead of an accident), because the process states succeed each other in a determined way, but (nevertheless) alternate, while the dynamical law remains the same. It all relates to a (being) per accidens with respect to the dynamical law, because the above expressions imply a dependence on the point in time of observation or contemplation ( " ......... at-a-certain-point-in-time " ).
The Totality is a complete set of determinations, and these determinations are seated -- just like the Totality itself -- in the phenotypical domain (See the Essay on Determinations of a Substance). Some determinations are however wholly constant (like for instance in the case of Crystals :   the Space Group -- describing the total symmetry -- and also Chemical Composition) and are accordingly per se determinations. Other determinations are replacing each other (changing the thing accidentally by doing so), while the dynamical law stays the same. These determinations then are per accidens determinations, and can be denoted ' accidents '.
The highest genera of all determinations are however general principles of being. They are principles of the phenotypic expression of the Totality.

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